18th Badge

Barry Bostwick at Rocky Horror's 18th Anniversary Convention

My home cast, Midnight Insanity, put on the 18th Anniversary Convention, "Age of Consent". For a while, it looked like we could actually get Barry, but he ended up getting yanked to go work on the German Documentary of Rocky Horror.

Though Barry was unable to attend our convention, we did manage to get a couple of questions through, and are providing the answers here.

    When asked about the long-rumored sequel, "Revenge of the Old Queen", he said Barry had not yet been approached about the film. He had been quoted as saying that he would love to do the sequel.

    For all you Brad emulators out there concerned with precision, Barry is a right-handed man, although he cleans his glasses with his left hand, folds his robe in a left-handed manner, and does most of his hand gestures with his left hand, he apparently writes with his right.

    In his spare time, Barry plays tennis, likes to make pottery and is a long-time supporter of AMFAR (The American Foundation for AIDS Research). As for members of the original cast, we were told that while they original RHPS cast members do not schedule plans to see one another, they are like old friends when they happen to cross paths.

Personally, I'm surprised about that right-handed business, but I've known other people who vary left/right for different activities.

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