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The Transylvanian Tymes

Volume VI, Issue 10
Written by Bill--"Brad Majors"
November 1, 1997
Pumpkin Patch

Halloween?! Yes, it's true ... your eyes do not deceive you. Much like spirits that do not cross to the "other side" while they have unfinished business (and somewhat like how it could be 6am but it's not really tomorrow until you've actually gone to sleep.), Midnight Insanity decrees that it is NOT November until we have properly celebrated Halloween with all of you folk, our home audience, here at the Art Theatre. We're touched by the numerous calls yesterday, asking about a Friday night show, but alas, due to circumstances beyond our control, a Friday night Rocky Horror show at the Art simply wasn't possible. We *did* have a rockin-good time down in San Diego, which we'll get to in a bit. We hope you haven't shredded your costumes in withdrawal frenzies because we'd *really* like to see what you've got. Bring `em on stage at the appropriate time and win cool, nifty prizes!!!

Tacky Horror

Okay, first and foremost, let's chronicle the month. It's been a busy-busy-busy month, with FIVE special shows ... first up is the traditional "Tacky Horror". As always, it was a fine display of Midnight Insanity alternate-talent, from Brian doing a little-schoolgirl Trixie, Amanda playing Frank, T.C. and Robert doing Brad and Janet, and Jenna making one bad-ass looking Riff-Raff. Heck, even I played the Kimi Wong Trannie. :-) We gotta say, it was a darned cool night and if you missed it, the next one will be the first weekend of April.
Pimp and Hooker Night

Yes, it seems you *like* this particular theme night. What is it about our audience that makes them want to dress like depraved creatures of the night, anyway? Not that we're complaining, mind you ... we got a simply awesome turnout for this show, with some top- notch pimps and hookers. We even labeled them for you (99 cents, used, risk-free!) Given the success, you can be sure we'll do it again ... stay tuned.

Monster Horror

Ah yes, Monster Horror. This was a new one for Midnight Insanity ... try to imagine your favorite Rocky characters as various monsters from your not-so-average horror flick. Dr. Frank-N-Furter became Pennywise the clown, Magenta became Medusa, Rocky became Frankenstien (of course!) and Columbia turned into Mimi from Drew Carey (it's scary, trust us!); whereas Brad and Janet became your standard "victim" fare. :-) Top that all off with TWO brand new special performances, "Thriller", written, choreographed and directed by our Criminologist, "Robert", and a Frank-and- Rocky bonus act of "Puttin' on the Ritz".

Weekend at Crim's

With the Halloween being on a Friday this year, this meant that our traditional "Lingerie Night", the last Saturday of every month, was six days earlier. Given the timespread, we decided to put Halloween on it's proper weekend. Now, given that you're

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used to a little "extra" from us during the month of October ... we killed someone. :-) Yes, Mark, one of our current Eddies, was once a Criminologist. To properly say `goodbye' to the role, we killed him in it. Now, no one ever accused us of thinking ahead and we realized that dead or not, the show must go on! So, we made sure Mark was properly "animated" for the rest of the evening (something like "Weekend at Bernie's"). Sound weird? Well, it was!!! It was also most worth the effort and a fine way of topping off a Crim career. All of our exits should be so damn funny.

Halloween Weekend

Ya know, it's one thing to be World Famous, and it's quite another to be wanted at *three* theatres, all on the same night. Well, we're good, but there's only so many of us to go around. We manage to pull off some pretty cool stuff, and as Meatloaf says, "Two out of Three, Ain't Bad".


If you were with us last year, you'll know that we opened a new theatre last year this time. Far and away, up in Woodland Hills, we started up a Friday Night show. Yes, for those of you who can't get enough Midnight Insanity on Saturday nights, you now had *another* show to get your "fix". Being our traditional Friday night theatre, and being our 1- year anniversary there, *and* it being Halloween, several of our cast members went up to Topanga to put on a *proper* Halloween show for our regulars there. The rest of us were at.

San Diego

Yes, the rest of Midnight Insanity made a trek 90 miles south, to San Diego, where we put on a *special* Rocky Horror Picture Show for the folks at the Mann 21 Cinema (it's really a single-screen ~1000
seat theatre). Several hundred people showed up, in costume, including a Frank, a Brad and Janet pair, several men in drag, one 1970s pimp with an "enhanced" crotch, one foam dinosaur, and four pixies. While not being our usual show, or our usual audience (save for the omnipresent cookie lady), we had a good time and did our best with the theatre and the stage area. Let's put it this was, skateboarders, would have been pleased. High-heeled transvestites, just a *tad* less pleased. It was still a good night, and we saved plenty of energy to put on a show for all of you, tonight!

Upcoming Events

Well, October may be over, so we should probably fill you in on November. First and foremost, go get all those half-price Halloween treats (costumes, props and makeup ... we assume you already stole the candy). Secondly, we'll be bidding goodbye to *four* top-notch cast members next week. Amanda (Magenta), Jaimee (Columbia), Brian (Tranny), and Blake (lighting). Their reasons for leaving range from focusing on schoolwork, to working for the U.S. Government (really!), and we certainly wish them all well. Do come down and join us for their farewell performances.

Closing Comments

Midnight Insanity would like to thank the Art Theatre Management and crew, for allowing us to perform here *every fucking week*; the Management and crew of the Woodland Hills theatre (Topanga), same reason; the Management and crew of the Mann 21 Cinema in San Diego ... ditto again; Karin, for pulling an impromptu Columbia for us last week, you really saved our butts; Elvis, for letting Mark borrow your spirit; Denny's and Shorehouse Caf‚; and, of course, you, our loving and faithful audience, who come to see us, *every fucking week*!!!
Copyright © 1988-1997, Midnight Insanity Entertainment