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The Transylvanian Tymes

Volume VI, Issue 4
Written by Bill--"Brad Majors"
April 26, 1997
Transylvanian Paradise

Gettin' close, kiddies! June is just around the corner . . . and we all know what happens then. On June 20th, Midnight Insanity presents, "The Light in the Darkness", Rocky Horror's 22nd Annual Convention. Fans from around the world will arrive here, in Southern California, for the one of the biggest Rocky bashes, ever!!! Yes, that's right, we're talking *tons* of strange, crazy, twisted invdividuals . . . men, women, and "unspecified", all dressed in lingerie, for TWO DAYS SOLID!!! What more could you ask for? Well . . . keep thinking, because you'll have an opportunity to ask (or beg) them in person. Don't miss out, tickets are on sale ***now***. See Bev in the lobby for more details, and be sure to tell your friends!!!

Tacky Horror

Okay, so there was this mean lookin' guy, walking around with blood on his apron and a small, thin blade in his hand. In addition, there's that five foot cat that shows up here about twice-a-year . . . along with that Smurf. Just what the heck is going on here??? Well, Midnight Insanity likes to go out and "play", every so often. In this case, it'd be our April Fool's Day show . . . seemed like a good excuse to us. :-) So, we went and swapped out roles for the
night. :-) Brad was played by Shelly, Janet was played by Steve. Jaimee was our Riff- Raff, Mark B. was our Magenta, Diego (ah yes, Diego) was our Columbia. Kristine played Rocky, Crystal played Eddie, Maggie played Dr. Scott and Alicia was our Criminologist. Who played Frank? Why, the Smurf, of course!!! Just how many parts Becky has pulled off as the Smurf is anyone's guess, but Smurf-N-Furter was certainly something to see!!! As for the other oddities present, that'd be the Transylvanian squad who decided to show up as their favorite Broadway characters . . . which included our own Jesus Christ. :-) Last, and certainly not least, was the surprise of the evening. Fozzie (spank the bald-man) played our Trixie. I'd tell ya what it was like, but words can hardly describe the performance he put forth. All I can say, is a Standing Ovation isn't any easy thing to achieve, and he most definitely earned it!!! So, have you heard enough??? Ya wanna give it your *own* spin?? Well, stay tuned, "Rookie Horror", the show where we give the show to the audience, will be coming up sometime after convention. More details forthcoming.

Wanna Date?

This was a heavy month for M.I. as we also spun off "Pimp and Hooker" night,

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and damned if everybody didn't show up dressed as either a pimp or hooker. We'd like to applaud all you um . . . streetwalkers, for your excellent participation. We just love seeing you all, and dressing sleazy just makes it all the more worthwhile, right??? Stay tuned for future events. Falling Star Well, it happens. Midnight Insanity is sad to report the departure of one of our cast members. Crystal Star B., will be leaving us shortly, making this her last show with us. :-( Crystal presently plays the "Orange Hair" Transylvanian and is also one of our Janets. Oddly enough, Crystal showed up to our theatre just four years ago, right before our 18th Anniversary Convention, "Age of Consent". Well, rest assured that Crystal won't miss out this convention; she'll be back in town around convention time, and will be performing with us for the con. We'll still miss her, but at least she'll have a nice going-away party, eh? Golden Throats of Death So, apparently, the world isn't particularly interested in hearing Midnight Insanity sing either . . . at least, not without a movie backing them. Over the last two months, we've managed to close down three, count `em, *three* Karaoke places, all with no apparent rhyme or reason. So, the curse, apparently, goes on. Over the Top Speaking of . . . maybe we're getting just a bit *too* notorious for shutting
places down. As it stands, M.I. was *supposed* to go up and see Tim Curry's new sitcom, "Over the Top", for it's pilot taping. Well, Tim is quite a popular dude (ya think?), and pilot shows have a tendency to attract guests and friends anyway . . . so we were told that the studio had seen an unprecedented amount of guests *flying* in, to see this show taped. As a result, there were no tickets left for us Rocky junkies. :-( On the up-shot, this is a good indication that the show will be picked up for the fall schedule, and if that happens, we're already in line for the next episode they tape. :-) Spankings! Lotta newly-legal meat out there, folks. B-days I know about are Robert (4/1), Maggie (4/2), Michelle (4/3), Jenna, Jason and Alicia (4/23). Sorry if I missed anyone! More in September. :-) Closing Comments Midnight insanity would like to thank the Art Theatre Management and crew, for allowing us to perform here *every fucking week*; the Management and crew of the Woodland Hills theatre (Topanga), same reason; Jennifer Zarrelli, for assisting us on tracking down those hard-to-find pink "Frank" gloves; Marcel, our latest ultra-cool Sunday-night Denny's waiter, for putting up with all our shit; Shorehouse Caf‚, pretty much, same deal; and all them weirdos who come down to see us *every fucking week*.


(Seize the Night!!!)
Copyright © 1988-1997, Midnight Insanity Entertainment