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The Transylvanian Tymes

Volume V, Issue 5
Written by Bill--"Brad Majors"
May 25, 1996
We were walking through the park one day . . . in the very merry month of May . . . climbing trees, disrupting weddings, and makin0 a general nuisance of ourselves (on stage, nonetheless). Just in case you were wondering what we did outside of the theatre . . . well, more on that later on. Inside the theatre, it's The Rocky Horror Picture Show, featuring your home cast, The World Famous, Midnight Insanity. Welcome once again to our Lingerie Night, that tradition that just won't die (and yes, folks have tried). Despite the darkened clouds these past couple of days, we *are* entering into warm weather, perfect for such indulgences as Lingerie Night!

Whatever happened to
Friday Night???

And now for something completely different. Well, maybe not *completely*, but certainly different. Perhaps the biggest news on the wire is that Midnight Insanity seeks to *double* it's exposure. We've exposed ourselves enough? Yeah, well, that more a matter of opinion. Just the same, it's been a long time since we've had a Friday Night Rocky theatre, anywhere around here. To be fair, the show will be something quite different from the standard Saturday Night fare. We can't go into too many details. Rocky, no matter where, or how, is always
best when experienced, so reading about it just wouldn't be the same. We hope to see you down there. Details on the exact location of the theatre and a date for the Grand Opening, are pending, Stay tuned . . .

On the Road Again

In a short three weeks, Midnight Insanity will trek out to Las Vegas, Nevada, once again to partake in Rocky Horror's 21st Anniversary Convention. We will be putting on a Special Performance, entering a dozen or so costume contests (and winning them, according to history :-) ), and, of course, partying our asses off . . . you know, just the standard Midnight Insanity convention stuff. If you're interested in joining us, please see the cast sometime soon!

RockyStock II

We survived. Midnight Insanity in the light of day. It happens, on rare occasion. This was our second journey out into nature as we took over the stage and surrounding areas at Central Park in Huntington Beach. "RockyStock II", was a lovely day in the park with the sounds of bagpipes in the background, kids flying down hillsides on their big wheels, a nameless few who just couldn't stay out of the trees (some of them together), and football, to the tunes

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of Blondie and Meatloaf, We don't know when the next RockyStock will be, but if you're ever walking through a park and hear the echos of the Shock Treatment soundtrack, we are quite likely lurking about, somewhere.

Double Vision

Is two better than one? Over time, we've doubled our pleasure (and doubled our fun) by doubling up on our cast and characters, Starting with the amazing "Dueling Franks" special performance, to twin Columbias (Columbi?) in our 7th Birthday performance, to have both of Janet's personalities in our 20th Anniversary Special Performance, to even tag-team Riff-Raffs for the last Tacky Horror Performance. Heck, we even had identical twin Trixies at one point in time! Last night, however, we encountered an entirely different sort of duality . . . double Brads. Last night, the movie "Spy Hard" (with a theme song by "Weird" AI Yankovic, no less) opened and it features none other than Barry Bostwick, as a Secret Service agent with a rather funny accent. There *was* a drag queen in the movie, but it wasn't Barry, sorry. Immediately following, we saw "The Craft" which features Cliff De Young, "Brad Majors" (and "Farley Flavors") from the pseudo-sequel to Rocky Horror, "Shock Treatment". Although it's not on our stage and not a part of our performance, it was most unusual to see both of these fine actors in two different current movies on the same night. A quick editoral note, "The Craft" was actually pretty good. Go see it for $3.50, we did. :-)
Ghosts of M.I. Past

Maybe Rocky *does* make you go crazy. At least, we don't have any explanation for why we lost several cast members to the Army, last year. However, there is hope as Pete, part of the "Dueling Franks" duo, will give us a guest performance on June 8th. Also, Kristine, our retired cast founder and hostess of many a Dana Point party, wanted to thank everyone for giving her such a special night on her Farewell performance, back in March.


Ah, the ever inconsistent "Birthday" section of the Transylvanian Tymes. We'd like to wish a Happy Birthday to Mandi (Trannie, Columbia), Carolee (Trixie) and Tracy (Trannie, Brad) for the month of May. I hope I didn't miss anybody. Don't expect to see this section again till probably September (for an entirely unknown reason).

Closing Comments

We'd like to thank the Art Theatre management for putting up for us *every fucking week*; Joe, our ultra-cool waiter who still comes to see us *every fucking week*; Julie, our cool waitress who puts up with us after the show at her Denny's; to whoever brought that busload of people from the Youth Group last week, that was cool; Shonie, for getting me a Tim Curry CD; and as always, our loving, faithful, demented, audience, who have come to see us for *eight* fucking years.
Copyright © 1988-1996, Midnight Insanity Entertainment