Volume IV, Issue 11 |
November 25, 1995
Doo-Dah...Doo-Dah Midnight Insanity, never ones to shy away from a camera, journeyed up to Passadena to participate in the annual (officially, "occasional") Doo-Dah parade. A parade dedicated to the weird, the unusual, and the demented . . . and we're all THREE! So, we put ourselves on sleep deprivation, drove up to Passadena right after a show, and allowed ourselves to be seen in full costume and makeup, during daylight hours |
The Time Warp Zone For those of you who were here on Halloween night (and if you weren't, well, we're not talking to you anyway), you got to see "The Time Warp Zone". This is Midnight Insanity's latest creation and was an immense effort put forth by cast members. It was produced for the 20th Anniversary celebration, for use on the stage of the Roxy Theatre at the Friday night Fan Club party. It was such a hit, that we were asked to do it again on Saturday night at the Pantages Theatre, during the actual convention!!! And yes, you folks got to see it for a measly six bucks. What a deal!!! We should probably note that the production was written from a convention standpoint and contains many references to things like Shock Treatment (the unofficial sequel to Rocky Horror . . . also known as "The Continuing Adventures of Brad and Janet"), and miscellaneous songs by Tim Curry and Little Nell. Since Richard O'Brien called our backdrop a "Work of Art", we are sending it to him, so you won't likely see "The Time Warp Zone" again. However, we still encourage you to go pick up a copy of "Shock Treatment" as well as the 15th Anniversary CD/Cassette box set, which should still be available in some stores. For those who missed Halloween, well, next year you'll know better! |
Last year we started a tradition. Our centennial shows should go to YOU, the audience. Pretty neat, huh? What does it mean? Well, in a couple of weeks, we'll be at show #400 (quad-centennial?), and we're presently picking audience members to participate in, "The Rookie Horror Picture Show". It's a way of remembering our roots as audience members, and giving a few, select people, a taste of what it's like to perform on stage. Last year's run was a success so we're doing it again. You don't need any experience, you don't need any special training; though for legal reasons, we may need your parent's permission . . . complain to the lawyers. See the cast quickly for further details. The part you want may not last long!!! Down for the Count Speaking of numbers, last week we awarded our 4711th audience member for the year, 1995! Crystal won an original Rocky Horror soundtrack on vinyl, congrats! But why 4711?? All Rocky people show know that this is the number tattooed on Frank's right thigh . . . and they should know it immediately. As long as we're counting things (since you do soooo well at counting the "Rules" during Pre-Show), how about a few fun ones? How many coffins are in the movie? How many times does the clock strike just before the beginning of Time Warp? How many Transylvanians are in the main Time Warp circle? How many times do Riff Raff and Magenta engage in Elbow Sex (that we know of)? How many times does the Criminologist appear on screen (count the cuts, not the songs)? How many deaths are in the movie? How many bad words (stuff you wouldn' t hear on TV) are said in the movie? Remember, we're talking the movie here, not Pre-Show, or the Audience! We may give you the answers, next month. |
It's got nothing to do with Shotz brewery (read the title again if you didn't get it the first time) . . . although that wouldn't be such a bad idea. As we mentioned earlier, Midnight Insanity is closing in on its EIGHTH Birthday! Eight years, almost a decade, wow. Our Eighth Birthday celebration will be on Saturday, January 20th, 1996. We can't tell you what we have planned, but it will be nothing less than you've come to expect from Midnight Insanity. "We're gonna make our dreams come true . . . doin' it our way . . . . ." Janet-Janet-Janet! *Ow*, okay, stop. <take a breath>, through no arm-twisting (just kidding), I'd like to annouce that Jen (Janet), is celebrating her 2-year Anniversary in playing the role of Janet Weiss, tonight. She began with us as a Transyvlanian, waaaaay back around the time of our 18th Convention, "Age of Consent"; and later moved into the role of Janet, one week prior to her 15th birthday. She has come a long way in that time and over the years has made my role as Brad easier, and more worthwhile. In case you can't do math, she'll be Seventeen next week. Be sure to bring her presents, anything chocolate will do! Closing Comments We would like to thank the Art Theatre management and staff for letting us perform here *every* week, plus all their added effort for the 20th Anniversary; Doo- Dah Dennis, for handling the details and setting us up with the Doo-Dah parade; Joe, our ultra-cool waiter who comes to see us *every fucking week*; and last, our to our faithful, loving audience, who also come to see us, *every fucking week*. You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained . . . |