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The Transylvanian Tymes

Volume III, Issue 5
Written by Bill--"Brad Majors"
May 28, 1994
Well, after an entire month of gray days and drizzle weather, the sun has finally decided to come out. While warmth and sunshine may be bad news for all you vampires (sorry), it makes for nicer weather to go with Lingerie Night. Folks just don't like dressing in next-to-nothing in 50 degree winter weather . . . go figure. With higher temperatures approaching, we'll be expecting you to join us on stage in the months ahead. If you're not prepared tonight (which is really no excuse, I mean, if you're going to Rocky, why not wear lingerie anyway?), then be here for next Lingerie Night, which will be on June 25th. Unfortunately, I won't be here to enjoy the festivities but be warned that I'll check the videotape when I get back!! For details about my absence, read on (wow!! a teaser!)

The Midnight Insanity Variety Show! That's kind of what we've been doing recently, with numerous new people in various roles, we'll admit we've been experimenting a bit . . . after all, who wants a static show (no, that doesn't mean you get to zap each other on the ear) anyway? Ranging from guest performance from LaVar and Toby (again), to more Magenta performances from various people than we've had in a long time (including Kristine, Natasha, Kym and tonight, Shauna); Mandi as Columbia, Pete as Frank and Daniel as Brad! Rumor has it Julie may "pop-in" for a performance of Magenta sometime
(hopefully) soon and now that Pete is officially out of Uncle Sam's clutches, he has extra time to devote to being a Sweet Transvestite again in the next week or two. Saturday Night Fever returns to the Art Theatre of Long Beach!! Get your platform shoes and your polyester clothes out (yes, hit up your parents, neighbors, teachers, etc.) because on August 13th 1994, Midnight Insanity will present, DISCO NIGHT IV. Strobe-lights, 70's music and the ever-present Disco Ball high atop the stage (no, not Leisa). Don't delay, thrift- store hop today and get ready for Midnight Insanity's Disco Inferno Show!

Do you have an overwhelming desire to live in Denton, U.S.A.? Do you think Brad belongs in an institution? Would you like to meet Janet's parents? Or do you really just want to see Little Nell in a short skirt? Even if you answered NO to all of the above questions, we would still like to recommend you see SHOCK TREATMENT, the "Further Adventures of Brad and Janet?". Not necessarily as exciting as having electrodes zap your system again and again, SHOCK TREATMENT is the unofficial sequel to the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Why are we telling you this (again)? Because we now have the SHOCK TREATMENT soundtrack available in the lobby on CD. Basically, we bought a bunch of them and none of the churches we went and visited were interested in buying any of them from us, so

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we decided to sell them to you instead (don't you feel loved?) A warning, SHOCK TREATMENT isn't for everybody (is Rocky?) You must watch it more than once to make a proper judgment. Some may like it, others won't. I'm no big fan of it, yet Kristine loves it to death. Make your own judgment, rent it or pick up a CD in the lobby! Cast extracurricular activities, well, "Stain" the Pre-Show band had their second gig at "Strange Brew" in Huntington Beach. A truly astounding performance including Axel playing more than just the drums with his drumsticks! The show was so impressive that they have scheduled TWO performances, one in June and one in July (see the Pre-Show team for the exact dates). Also, the cast has taken up with mid-week bowling. You'll may be entirely uninterested to know that many of us have trouble breaking 100, some of us have trouble breaking 50, though a select few have topped 150 in a few games. Ask Gabriel about his "turkey". Additionally, last night a few of us headed out to visit the Canyon Theatre RHPS in San Dimas (hi guys) . . . which allowed us to take your place for a change, sitting in the audience and yelling lines. Unfortunately, we didn't bring along any props and they didn't have Emergency Survival Kits for sale so the rice/confetti/cards/ throwing was well on the low side. Still, it was a relatively fun night as some of us don't get to yell lines as often as we'd like.

What I did on my vacation: Well, to recount the weekend of my absence, it was a very fun-filled Friday the 13th weekend. I'd quickly like to thank whatever powers-that- be for a three-day weekend filled with Lisa
(long-distance groupie), Pinball (lots and lots of them), (Oh) Susanna . . . and the entire Freemont cast, *another* Soap marathon on Comedy Central, the "Whatever Happened To?" series on VH-1 (yes, more Early 80's music), the Early 80's flashback weekend on the radio station in Northern California, and, of course, San Francisco. About the only thing I *didn't* get to do that weekend was see you guys and play Brad . . . I did miss you all though. Unfortunately, I will be taking another few shows off in the very near future to take a trip to China. I will be out of the country for three weekends, the last two weekends in June (6/18 and 6/25) and the first weekend in July (7/2). In my absence I will expect you all to continue to mark virgins, scream at the top of your lungs and wreak havoc in the audience . . . I'm sure you won't have a problem with that!! As for who's playing Brad, we'll, why don't we leave that a mystery . . . just show up and see what happens!

Loose ends: Rocky's birthdate, listed as August 8th, 1974 (last month's TT) is in direct conflict with the Criminologist speech which mentions "that late November evening" . . . yet another Rocky inconsistency. Maybe it was a long labor? Kristine has had to push the opening of her new thrift-store, "EDBD" back a few weeks placing the opening in mid- June, stay tuned for details. Happy Birthday to "Sweet 16" Carolee and 19th B- Day to Mandi! If you want to join cast, we need male Transylvanians! Please see Leisa if interested (dance experience preferred, but not required). Bye for now! (insert sign- language here)
Copyright © 1988-1994, Midnight Insanity Entertainment